Consult Derm Website Privacy Policy
About Consult Derm
Telederm Canada operates a virtual physician referral only consulting dermatology
service. Consult Derm works by providing an electronic medium through which photos
and descriptive text can be transferred between a local provider (facilitating a
virtual dermatology appointment or clinic) and the Teledermatologist to facilitate
a diagnosis and clinical recommendation. In a typical scenario, a patient does not
physically see or visit the dermatologist. The patient also does not use or see
their referring physician enter the data into Consult Derm. The patient-provider
relationship exists between the patient and their referring family physician with
a separate consulting relationship between the referring family physician and the
Statement of Confidentiality
Telederm Canada staff and contractors shall protect the confidentiality of health
information in their custody or control, and the privacy of the individuals who
are the subjects of that information. This includes protection against unauthorized
use, disclosure, modification, or access to the information.
Individuals have a right of access to any information about themselves that is in
the custody or control of Telederm Canada, subject to the limited and specific exceptions
set out in HIA. Individuals who believe there is an error or omission in their health
information have a right to request to correct or amend the information.
When collecting health information directly from an individual, the individual shall
be informed of the purpose for which the information is collected, the legal authority
for the collection, and the title, business address and telephone number of a staff
member who can answer questions about the collection. Since, the patient’s primary
relationship is with the referring physician, this information will be provided
by the referring physician upon request of the individual.
Health information shall only be used and disclosed for the purpose for which it
was collected, unless alternate use or disclosure is authorized or required by law,
or with the knowledge and consent of the subject individual. Individuals have the
right to request the Information and Privacy Commissioner to review access, privacy,
and correction decisions made by Telederm Canada.
Message to referring physicians and consulting dermatologists
Thank you for using Consult Derm for dermatology consultations. Under the Health
Information Act, and as described by the Statement of Confidentiality above, we
(Telederm Canada, the referring physician and consulting dermatologist) are responsible
for protecting the privacy of our patients’ health information.
Individuals have a right of access to any information about themselves that is in
the custody or control of Telederm Canada, subject to the limited and specific exceptions
set out in HIA. Individuals who believe there is an error or omission in their health
information have a right to request to correct or amend the information. Under the
terms of our agreement, Telederm Canada, and its consulting dermatologists, will
refer any request to access patient information back to the referring physician.
Referring physicians should follow processes outlined in their privacy policies
to document and grant access to the health information. If referring physicians
do not have a Consent for Disclosure form, one can be obtained at this link
- Word
Telederm Canada privacy Charter
Principle 1: We are accountable for the personal information that
is given to us by your referring physician.
Principle 2: Your referring physician will tell you why your personal
information is collected before the information is collected.
How We Use and Disclose Your Personal Information
- Treatment: We will use your personal information to provide you with health-related
services. We may use your information to coordinate care with other healthcare providers.
- Communication with Individuals Involved in Your Care: Health professionals such
as dermatologists, using their professional judgment, may disclose personal information
to a health care designate.
- Health-related educational communications: We may contact you, through your referring
physician, to provide information about treatment or other health-related benefits
and services that may be of interest to you.
Principle 3: Our organization will collect, use and may disclose
personal information about you. You may withdraw consent at any time.
When you receive health services of any kind from Telederm Canada, we collect individually
identifying health information about you through your referring physician and share
this within Telederm Canada and with other health service providers that need the
information to provide you with health services.
Principle 4: Telederm Canada limits the amount and type of personal
information we collect. We will collect personal information only for the purposes
that we have identified or as otherwise permitted by law. We collect health information
for purposes of research and evaluation. When your health information may form part
of the research data, we seek your consent.
Principle 5: Telederm Canada will use or disclose your personal
information only for the reasons that you provided it to us. We will keep your personal
information only as long as necessary to accomplish these purposes.